Od 20.9. do 29.9. neodesíláme mravence 🏠❌🐜. Objednávky je možné udělat, s odesláním 30.9. 2024. Díky za pochopení 😎.



Zboží je odesíláno z České republiky do 3 pracovních dnů.




We ship worldwide!

See the shipping prices at Checkout site with your order.

  • For specific countries (mostly in Europe) we offer delivery via Czech post and delivery to the address via your local post services.
  • For rest of the world we offer delivery via Czech post only.
  • If you have any problems with shipping to your country, please contact us and we will solve the issue. ;)
  • The shipping costs may vary in time so If you are from non - EU countries you can ask about up to date prices for your country.
EU countries (and USA etc.) non-EU countries Česká republika a Slovensko
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